How do you do the baby blue game
How do you do the baby blue game

If you run out of ideas on that theme, pick a new theme and try again. Pick a theme, then write down any ideas you have about it in a paragraph or so. What I've found is that having ideas is a skill, not an innate talent or something that magically happens if you set up the environment perfectly. I used to complain that I never had ideas. I've gone through #OneGameAMonth with these strategies, so they work pretty darn well for me. But a few are strong enough to make a nice prototype (example, "a game where you throw your eyeballs to see past corners"), and I basically choose one of those to get started.Ģ) The Molydeux method: I start with a ridiculous question, such as "what would a 2nd person game play like?" From there, I try to develop an answer ( Mirror's Edge, if Faith is an NPC that's always following a character you control), and make a prototype out of that. Seeing that I'm writing this almost instinctively, most of the listed ideas suck (example: last global game jam, I had a description for a game, "something involving white text on black background"). From there, I frantically write out a long list of single-sentence game descriptions that's barely related to the theme.

how do you do the baby blue game

What are your habits when making up game ideas? How do you choose what to make?ġ) The brain dump method: When a theme is presented in a Game Jam, or I suddenly feel like basing my game off of something, I take my pen & paper or Notepad++ and a timer set to 1 hour. Later, if I haven't used the idea, I randomly pick it from that list along with something else on the list and try to make the combination work.

how do you do the baby blue game

Then, I either combine that idea with another idea or throw the idea into a "use it later" list. Now, I start with simple gameplay ideas, like a gravity-shifting puzzle for example. Well, that's actually not a good idea, because then you have to make sure you have a decent plot and not everyone cares about stories. I used to start with a story idea, because if it can be told as a story, it can at least be an animation.

#How do you do the baby blue game free#

If you have your own techniques, feel free to share. I do not want any game ideas shared in this thread I just want to share my methods for coming up with game ideas that could be manageable and at the same time, fun to make happen. Perhaps I'm too involved in video gaming to enjoy a simple concept, but I really struggle with this task. I struggle to come up with game concepts I am interested in. Feedback Friday Screenshot Saturday Soundtrack Sunday Marketing Monday WIP Wednesday Daily Discussion Quarterly Showcase Related communities 1 For questions, get in touch with mods, we're happy to help you. Free assets OK, be sure to specify license. If you need to use screenshots, that's ok so long as is illustrates your issues.ĭo not solicit employment. Use discord, /r/indiegames, /r/playmygame or /r/gamedevscreens.īe specific about your question. Feedback, praise, WIP, screenshots, kickstarters, blogs, memes, "play my game", twitch streams.

How do you do the baby blue game